Captain Constance Bashford

Een van de mysterieuze modellen tijdens de Mad Max (Madness) shoot was toch wel Captain Constance Bashford. Je ziet haar alleen met masker. Niemand kent het gezicht erachter… Samen met Emma McMurphy en Joshua Abernatty Lloyd vormt zij een team. Airship The Peregrine is hun vervoermiddel waarmee ze de wereld rondreizen en avonturen beleven. Hieronder een klein stukje van haar website.

Captain Constance Bashford is an enigmatic Steampunk and Dieselpunk model from The Netherlands. In her four years of modeling she has worked with the greatest Steampunk photographers from Europe and has founded her own Airship, Airship The Peregrine. Together with Emma McMurphy and Joshua Abbernatty Lloydd they roam the skies looking for adventure, making friends all over the world.

We know she is very fond of tea, and cats, and has a huge Steampunk gun collection. But there is one thing about her we do not know, and that is what face lies behind her mysterious mask. (bron

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